Leveraging Potential for Maximum Impact

“Leveraging Potential for Maximum Impact”

Hello everyone, Jay Knotts, co-director of LeveragePoint Life Coaching, coming to you with a first blog post.  We at LeveragePoint are beyond excited about this beginning step.  Our goal here is to establish a relationship where we share a bit of life together through this blog and create stimulating, engaging, impactful thoughts and potential action ideas to improve the results of your life, family, friends, and organizations.  The intent will be small posts that are quick, but engaging, yet create value added results.  

Why LeveragePoint for a name?  Have you ever tried to open a heavy glass door at a store with one hand and quickly realize you grabbed it in wrong place with zero results?  Instantly you slid your hand to the place of greater leverage to prevent embarrassment and create an impact in the form of an opened door.  Think for a minute about the weight of your life.  Consider a load you need help pushing through or a burden you need to lift.  You and I take them on every day of our lives.  Some of them we never ask for but many are routine.  What can be the tipping point is the dynamics of their weight, size, and their sometimes unforeseen nature, seemingly coming out of nowhere.  Normal efforts to move these emotional, physical, and or mental loads and burdens don’t work.  We grab them like the glass door in the place of greatest resistance or in a place devoid of leverage.  We may feel helpless, frustrated and/or possibly stressed beyond belief and out of control depending on the issue.  What we don’t have is a clear idea of how to gain leverage, where the leverage point is located, and how to access/integrate the essential leverage to make the difference.

 The famous Archimedes quote states, “Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.”

I love this quote and it fires me up beyond belief.  That lever might be your faith, great friends, a unified team, a great action step, or the right belief held in your mind and heart that creates that initial momentum and sustaining force to make the difference and transform your life. 

At LeveragePoint Life Coaching, we believe in the power of identifying and harnessing the point of greatest leverage by partnering with you and believing in your great potential that lies within you.  We believe that results adding up to maximum life impact are coming your way.  We not only believe it, we know it. 

You were born to impact the world.  Go take a small initial step right now.  The momentum you will create, in even the smallest way, has a synergy effect that will change your life.  The wildest aspect is that the dynamic change begins when you first consider the idea and commit to it in your mind.  Incredible power begins when you take the first action step, no matter how large or small it may be. 

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