What is Beauty and Who are the Superstars?

I am big time excited to share with you today.  While taking my 1st and 5th grade daughters to school this morning, halfway to the destination I was informed there was going to be a beauty pageant coming soon.  As a dad, counselor, and life coach guy, my brain went into overdrive.  After stating that I heard them about the event, I immediately fired a question back to the girls.  I asked them, “What is beauty?”  I was quickly confronted by the 5th grader with, “No dad, please don’t life coach me, it’s too early.”  I bet you know that I made the most of the next 3 minutes in the car before I released my precious ones into the world, whether frustrated with me or not.

The lure of beauty and being a famous super star dominates our culture today.  Nothing wrong with beauty or talent, but what defines true beauty and who are the true superstars?  Ever wondered if the top 5 in the Miss Universe Pageant are comparing themselves to each other and feeling insecure and less beautiful than the ones next to them? Not to mention, these women are the top 5 on the planet at the moment.  Have you ever seen someone you considered extremely beautiful until they opened up their mouth and the ugliness of their heart poured out?  Have you ever seen someone in action through their great character, passion, devotion, and commitment to others that you called them a superstar, despite the world never knowing their name?

I want my kids to take care of themselves and their bodies, but to realize that beauty is multifaceted.  I want them to know that everyone is unique and cannot be compared to anyone else.  This eliminates the comparison issue, which is the heart of every feeling of insecurity and inferiority.  We all have issues, flaws, strengths, and weaknesses.  It is up to us to love ourselves, to choose the true facts, beliefs, and opinions we know about who we were created to be and hold onto them with reckless abandon.  This is the essence of the self-concept.  

Finally, I listened to a very funny, extroverted, yet wounded woman the other day in a public setting state, “If I hadn’t had such difficulties and challenges while growing up, I could have been a super star by now.”  I quickly responded to her with, “Who says that you aren’t a superstar?”  She was dumbfounded and stunned in a marvelous way.  She didn’t need American Idol, The Voice, or a movie role.  She truly is a superstar that lights up people’s worlds and hearts each and every day in her normal life.    

What do you believe about your true beauty?  Do you hate pictures of your aging self or how you look in the morning or do you embrace the beauty of the lines of wisdom that now belong to your face.  Are you looking deep within for clarity and depth or will you continue to be your own worst critic.  The choice is yours.  You choose what you believe, which creates how you feel, and drives your actions/inaction/reactions for the day, and ultimately determines your life results. 

Wake up beautiful superstar!  The world is waiting and needs you!  You are the judge of the pageant.  If you can’t see clearly, you might need to borrow someone else’s glasses because yours are definitely distorted.    

walker posey